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Status Effects are a Mechanic in SCP: Secret Laboratory that are used to change the stats of a player. Status Effects can be applied from various in-game Items, or SCP attacks. Certain SCPs can spawn with a Status Effect as well.
Currently, most Status Effects can only be applied via Remote Admin.

List of Status Effects

There are four classifications for Status Effects:

  • Positive - These effects will benefit the player.
  • Negative - These effects will provide a drawback.
  • Mixed - These effects will benefit the player, but also have drawbacks.
  • Technical - These effects are not displayed in the Remote Admin Menu but can be applied with text-based Remote Admin. They soley exist for technical purposes.

Positive Effects

Bodyshot Reduction

Bodyshot Reduction is a positive effect that reduces damage taken from shots to the body, SCP-939's claw and SCP-049-2's swipe (Shots to the head and limbs will deal normal damage). Bodyshot Reduction will ignore a weapon's penetration, meaning the damage is directly reduced.
The amount of damage reduced is based on the intensity of the effect. An intensity of one is a 5% reduction, two is a 10% reduction, three is a 12.5% reduction and an intensity of four is a 15% reduction. Any further amount is capped off at 15%.

The effect is applied when consuming Rainbow Candy with an intensity of one and last until the player dies.

Damage Reduction

Damage Reduction is a positive effect that reduces any damage the player takes. The amount of damage reduced is based on the intensity of the effect, with each intensity adding a 0.5% reduction. An intensity of one is a 0.5% reduction, two is a 1% reduction, three is a 1.5% reduction and an intensity of four is a 2% reduction and so on.

The effect is applied for 15 seconds when consuming Purple Candy with an intensity of 40, meaning a 20% Reduction.



Invigorated is a positive effect that prevents the Stamina bar from draining, allowing constant sprinting for its duration. It will also increase the contrast of the player's screen for the duration of the effect.
The effect lasts eight seconds after using Adrenaline and will last eight seconds after consuming Yellow Candy.



Invisibility is a positive effect that makes the player unable to be seen by most classes. While the player will remain invisible to most classes, SCP-079, SCP-096, and SCP-939 are still able to see invisible players.
The effect is applied by using SCP-268, and will last 15 seconds, but will end early if the player equips any item or interacts with any object, such as doors or SCP-914.

Interesting, if the Invisibility Effect was applied by Remote Admin, players can equip items without the effect being removed, but are still unable to interact with objects.

Movement Boost

Movement Boost is a positive effect that increases the player's speed by a defined amount, ranging from 1% to a maximum of 255%. It should not be confused with SCP-207's effect, which increase the player's speed at the cost of health. The two effects will stack if applied together.
The effect is applied for eight seconds after consuming Yellow Candy, giving the player a 10% speed boost.



SCP-1853 is a positive effect that increases motor function, including weapon draw time, reload speed, item pickup speed, and medical item use time.
Multiple instances of SCP-1853 can be stacked, but for each additional instance, effectiveness is halved. If combined with SCP-207, the player will also receive the Poisoned effect.
The effect is applied by using SCP-1853 and is removed by using SCP-500.

Spawn Protection

Spawn Protection

Spawn Protection is a positive effect which will prevent a player from taking damage and being affected by SCP-244's fog. The effect is granted upon spawning in at the start of the round or from respawning as MTF or Chaos and last a few seconds. Preventing players from being spawn killed. Spawn Protection can be disabled by server configs, but it is on by default. Other settings exist to make spawn protection only apply to certain teams, how long it last and if players who have this status effect can deal damage to others.

Rainbow Taste

Rainbow Taste is a positive effect which will reduce the severity of several negative effects, including Asphyxiated, Bleeding, Burned, Disabled, Hemorrhage, Hypothermia and SCP-207. These effects are dampened further by stacking the Rainbow Taste Effect.
The effect is applied for ten seconds after consuming Rainbow Candy. Despite Rainbow Taste becoming stronger when stacked, Rainbow Candy does not allow the user to stack the effect.


Vitality is a positive effect that makes the user completely immune to certain negative Status Effects. It will also cause the SCP-207 effect to stop dealing damage, but will continue to allow the player to have infinite stamina for the duration of the effect.
The effect is applied for 30 seconds after consuming Green Candy.

Vitality does not grant immunity to the following negative Status Effects:

  • Amnesia
  • Blinded
  • Cardiac Arrest
  • Deafened
  • Decontaminating
  • Ensnared
  • Flashed
  • Pocket Corroding
  • Scanned
  • Severed Hands
  • Sinkhole
  • Stained
  • Strangled
  • Traumatized

Negative Effects


Amnesia is a negative effect that prevents player's from reloading and using any medical items. SCP-939 is invisible to all players who are currently under this effect, but will become visible if they take damage or attack.

The ability is applied while inside a Amnestic Cloud placed by SCP-939 and five seconds after leaving.


Asphyxiated is a negative effect that quickly drains the player's Stamina Bar at a rate of 5% per tick. If there is no Stamina left to drain, then the player's health will be drained at a rate of 2 HP per tick.
This effect can only be applied with Remote Admin.

The Rainbow Taste Status Effect will dampen the Asphyxiated effect. Depending on the intensity of Asphyxiated Taste, the Bleeding effect will be dampened further. This stops once it reaches an intensity level of three.

  • No Rainbow Taste Effect: Drain value is 5% per second.
  • Intensity of one: Drain value is 3% per second.
  • Intensity of two: Drain value is 2% per second.
  • Intensity of three: Drain value is 1.75% per second.



Bleeding is a negative effect that deals damage every five seconds. The amount of damage Bleeding does is lowered each time it deals damage. The first time it deals 20 damage, then it deals 10 damage, then 5, then 2.5. Afterwards it will keep dealing 2 damage until the effect is removed. First Aid Kits will remove the effect when used. SCP-500 does not remove the effect and instead instantly lowers the damage to its lowest possible value.
This effect can only be applied with Remote Admin.

The Rainbow Taste Status Effect will dampen the Bleeding effect. Depending on the intensity of Rainbow Taste, the Bleeding effect will be dampened further. This stops once it reaches an intensity level of three.

  • No Rainbow Taste Effect: Damage values are 20, 10, 5, 2.5 and 2.
  • Intensity of one: Damage values are 12, 6, 3, 1.5 and 1.2.
  • Intensity of two: Damage values are 8, 4, 2, 1 and 0.8.
  • Intensity of three: Damage values are 7, 3.5, 1.75, 0.875 and 0.7.



Blinded is a negative effect that applies extreme screen blur.
This effect is applied by being hit by a Flashbang Grenade.



Burned is a negative effect that increases the damage the player takes by 25%.
The effect is applied for ten seconds if the player is hit by the explosion of the 3-X Particle Disruptor, Jailbird, High-Explosive Grenade, Pink Candy and SCP-018. The effect can be removed by using SCP-500 or a First Aid Kit.

The Rainbow Taste Status Effect will dampen the Burned effect. Depending on the intensity of Rainbow Taste, the Burned effect will be dampened further. This stops once it reaches an intensity level of three.

  • No Rainbow Taste Effect: Damage is increased by 25%.
  • Intensity of one: Damage is increased by 15%.
  • Intensity of two: Damage is increased by 10%.
  • Intensity of three: Damage is increased by 8.75%.

Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac Arrest is a negative effect the drains a player's HP by 8HP/s while tripling Stamina consumption. The effect is applied for 20 seconds when attacked by SCP-049 (The attack itself also deals 8 damage ontop of the effect). Players currently under the Cardiac Arrest effect are instantly killed when attack by SCP-049. The effect is removed by taking Adrenaline or SCP-500.


Concussed is a negative effect that applies extreme blur while turning. The intensity of this blur is dependent on the speed at which the player turns.
The effect is applied for ten seconds if the player is hit by the explosion of the 3-X Particle Disruptor, Jailbird, High-Explosive Grenade, Pink Candy and SCP-018. It can be removed by using Adrenaline, Painkillers, or SCP-500. The Rainbow Taste effect has a 40% chance to block the effect from being applied.


Corroding is a negative Status Effect that teleports the player to SCP-106's Pocket Dimension and drains their HP. The drain rate of HP increases the longer they remain in the Pocket Dimension.
Players attacked by SCP-106 are given this effect. The effect goes away once the player successfully escapes the Pocket Dimension.


Deafened is a negative effect that heavily muffles all sounds.
It is applied for three to five seconds when the player is hit by a Flashbang Grenade or the explosion of the 3-X Particle Disruptor, Jailbird, High-Explosive Grenade, Pink Candy and SCP-018. The effect can be removed early with SCP-500.


Decontaminating is a negative effect that removes 10% of the player's health every second.
The effect is caused by the Decontamination Process for Light Containment Zone.


Disabled is a negative effect that slows down all movement by 20%.
The effect is applied for ten seconds after leaving SCP-106's Pocket Dimension

The Rainbow Taste Status Effect will dampen the Disabled effect. Depending on the intensity of Rainbow Taste, the Disabled effect will be dampened further. This stops once it reaches an intensity level of three.

  • No Rainbow Taste Effect: Movement is slowed down by 20%.
  • Intensity of one: Movement is slowed down by 12%.
  • Intensity of two: Movement is slowed down by 8%.
  • Intensity of three: Movement is slowed down by 7%.


Ensnared is a negative effect that prevents all movement for the player.
This effect can only be applied by Remote Admin.


Exhausted is a negative effect that halves the maximum Stamina Bar capacity and its regeneration rate. While they do not remove the effect, both Adrenaline and SCP-207 will fully restore the player's Stamina back to 100%. Though, Stamina will not regenerate while it is above 50%.
This effect can only be applied by Remote Admin.


Flashed (Default)
Flashed (Dark mode)

Flashed is a negative effect that makes the player unable to see for a short amount of time. SCP-079 is immune to this effect.
The effect is applied for three to five seconds when the player is hit by a Flashbang Grenade.

An option in the settings exist to make the effect have "Dark Mode".


Hemorrhage is a negative effect that drains the player's health by 1 HP/s while sprinting. The damage is lowered by the Rainbow Taste Effect.
This effect can only be applied by Remote Admin.

The Rainbow Taste Status Effect will dampen the Hemorrhage effect. Depending on the intensity of Rainbow Taste, the Hemorrhage effect will be dampened further. This stops once it reaches an intensity level of three.

  • No Rainbow Taste Effect: Damage is 1 HP/s.
  • Intensity of one: Damage is 0.6 HP/s.
  • Intensity of two: Damage is 0.4 HP/s.
  • Intensity of three: Damage is 0.35 HP/s.



Hypothermia is a negative effect that slowly drains the player's HP, reduces bullet accuracy, and increases item pickup and use time. The damage dealt is based on two factors, the amount of SCP-244's in the area and the time spent in the fog. SCPs gradually lose Hume Shield and then their health.
The effect is applied while inside the fog generated by SCP-244. It can be removed by leaving SCP-244's fog.



Poisoned is a negative effect that deals damage every five seconds. The damage starts at 2 HP/5s but over times increases to 20 HP/5s.
It can be applied by having both SCP-207 and SCP-1853 active at the same time. The effect can be removed by SCP-500 and the Rainbow Taste effect has a 40% chance to block the damage.

Severed Hands

Severed Hands

Severed Hands is a negative effect that removes the player's hands then drains their HP. It also removes the ability for the player to open their inventory or interact with objects, such as doors.
This effect is applied when the player removes more than two pieces of candy from SCP-330.



Sinkhole is a negative effect that slows down player movement by 30% and sprinting is disabled. The amount the player is slowed down by can be controlled by config. It should not be confused with the Stained effect, which has a very similar function.
The effect is applied when the player enters the Sinkhole Trap. It goes away when the player exits the trap. SCPs are immune to this effect.


Stained is a negative effect that slows down player movement by 20% and sprinting is disabled. It should not be confused with the Sinkhole effect, which has a similar function.
The effect is caused by SCP-173's Tantrum Puddles and is removed three seconds after leaving them. SCPs are immune to this effect.


Traumatized is a negative effect that makes one always visible to SCP-106 while they use stalk. The effect is applied for three minutes after being captured by SCP-106 and can be removed by SCP-500.

Mixed Effects



SCP-207 is a mixed effect that blocks stamina drain and increases the player's movement speed but will slowly drain HP. The effect can be stacked up to four times, increasing both the positive and negative effects. The Rainbow Taste effect has a 40% chance to block damage every tick, and the Vitality effect will fully disable the drain. If combined with SCP-1853, the player will also receive the Poisoned effect.
The effect is applied by consuming SCP-207 and is removed by using SCP-500.

The Rainbow Taste Status Effect will dampen the damage dealt by the SCP-207 effect. Depending on the intensity of Rainbow Taste, the SCP-207 effect will be dampened further. This stops once it reaches an intensity level of three. More specifically, the Rainbow Taste Status Effect changes the damage multiplier for each SCP-207 stacked.

  • One instance of SCP-207 (Damage multiplier: 1)
    • No Rainbow Taste Effect: The damage values are: 0.1, 0.15, 0.4 and 1. For Standing, Sneaking, Walking and Sprinting.
    • Intensity of one: Damage values are 0.06, 0.09, 0.24 and 0.6.
    • Intensity of two: Damage values are 0.04, 0.06, 0.16 and 0.4.
    • Intensity of three: Damage values are 0.035, 0.0525, 0.14 and 0.35.

Damage values for SCP-207 stacks (Click to view)

  • Two instances of SCP-207 (Damage multiplier: 1.5)
    • No Rainbow Taste Effect: The damage values are: 0.15, 0.225, 0.6 and 1.5.
    • Intensity of one: Damage values are 0.09, 0.135, 0.36 and 0.9.
    • Intensity of two: Damage values are 0.06, 0.09, 0.24 and 0.6.
    • Intensity of three: Damage values are 0.0525, 0.07875, 0.21 and 0.525.
  • Three instances of SCP-207 (Damage multiplier: 2.5)
    • No Rainbow Taste Effect: The damage values are: 0.25, 0.375, 1 and 2.5.
    • Intensity of one: Damage values are 0.15, 0.225, 0.6 and 1.5.
    • Intensity of two: Damage values are 0.1, 0.15, 0.4 and 1.
    • Intensity of three: Damage values are 0.0875, 0.13125, 0.35 and 0.875.
  • Four instances of SCP-207 (Damage multiplier: 4)
    • No Rainbow Taste Effect: The damage values are: 0.4, 0.6, 1.6 and 4.
    • Intensity of one: Damage values are 0.24, 0.36, 0.96 and 2.4.
    • Intensity of two: Damage values are 0.16, 0.24, 0.64 and 1.6.
    • Intensity of three: Damage values are 0.14, 0.21, 0.56 and 1.4.


SCP-207? is a mixed effect that lowers a player's speed but grants a permanent HP regeneration. The effect can be stacked up to four times, increasing both the positive and negative effects. The HP regeneration speed scales based on player movement, with standing still giving the fastest HP regeneration and sprinting giving the slowest. The Vitality Status Effect will prevent players from being slowed down from the SCP-207? effect while retaining the HP regeneration. SCP-207? will save the player from death one time, leaving the player with 1 HP and 0.25 seconds of damage immunity. The player is also granted two seconds of damage immunity to Tesla Gates. The SCP-207? effect is fully removed upon saving one from death, regardless of the amount stacked. SCP-207? will not save the player from death pits, the Pocket Dimension, SCP-173's neck snap, SCP-939's lunge, Chaos Car, 3-X Particle Disruptor or the Jailbird. As an exception, SCP-207? will save the player from the explosions caused by the 3-X Particle Disruptor and Jailbird.
Mixing both the SCP-207 and SCP-207? status effects will cause the player to explode after 1.05 seconds. This explosion acts similar to a normal High-Explosive Grenade and will bypass the death save effect. If combined with SCP-1853, the player will also receive the Poisoned effect. The effect is applied by consuming SCP-207? and is removed by using SCP-500.

Technical Effects

Insufficient Light

Insufficient Light is a technical effect that is applied to SCP-939 upon spawn. The name of the effect implies it is used for SCP-939's vision.

It can be manually applied to a player with Text-Based Remote Admin by using "insufficientlight" in the effect name parameter.

Mute Soundtrack

Mute Soundtrack is a technical effect that is applied to SCP-939 when they enter Focus mode. As the name implies, it mutes the game's soundtrack. It does not mute the chase theme for SCP-173, due to the fact SCPs can't hear it in the first place. The Decontamination music and Alpha Warhead music are also unaffected by the effect as they are apart of the audio file for their announcements.

It can be manually applied to a player with Text-Based Remote Admin by using "mutesoundtrack" in the effect name parameter.

Legacy Status Effects

Inverted Controls

Inverted Controls was a negative effect that would invert all mouse movement for a short amount of time.
The Red Candy applied this effect for 15 seconds.
The Sugar Rush Status effect would apply the Inverted Controls Status Effect for ten second, but only after eight seconds have passed since Sugar Rush was applied.
The Status Effect was removed after the end of the Halloween 2021 Event.

Old Amnesia


Amnesia was a negative effect that prevented a player from opening their inventory and reloading. In the v11.0.0 Parabellum update, it was changed to where it would only reduce the player's visibility.
The effect was applied for three seconds when bit by SCP-939. The time is reduced to 1.7 seconds if the player had the Rainbow Taste Effect beforehand. The effect could be removed by using SCP-500.
The effect was changed in the v12.0.0 Mimicry Update due to SCP-939's rework.


Panic was a negative effect that slightly increased the drain rate of Stamina. It was removed at an unknown point of time but was mistakenly left in the Remote Admin Status Effect page until the Mimicry v12.0.0 update.
This effect could only be applied by Remote Admin.

SCP-939 Visuals

SCP-939 Visuals

SCP-939 Visuals were a mixed effect that alters the player's vision. All objects turn black with white outlines and the player could only see other players under certain conditions (Making noise). Players who meet these conditions could be seen through walls, while players who are not making noises were completely invisible unless they are bumped into or are on the Surface.
This effect was used exclusively for SCP-939, but could be applied to others with Remote Admin.

The Status Effect was removed in the Mimicry 12.0 Update along side the SCP-939 rework as the new SCP-939 Visuals are not consider a Status Effect.

Slow Metabolism

Slow Metabolism was a mixed effect that would lower a player's current speed by 20% and make the model appear fat.
The Purple Candy applied this effect for ten seconds. The candy would also add 330 AHP upon consumption, but that is not apart of the Slow Metabolism effect itself.
The Status Effect was removed after the end of the Halloween 2021 Event. (The AHP applied from Purple Candy is not apart of the effect itself)

Sugar Crave

Sugar Crave was a mixed effect that would turn the player into a Marshmallow Man for a short time. The following additional effects were applied:

  • All items are dropped from the inventory.
  • 25% damage resistance.
  • The current walking speed doubled.
    • This includes speed boost by SCP-207.
      • Speed could not go higher than 8 hu/s.
    • Sprinting is disabled.
  • Ability to perform melee attacks that deal 65 damage per hit.
  • The following Status Effects were applied for three seconds after the player reverted back to normal:
    • Old Amnesia Reduces player's visibility
    • Blinded Makes the player's screen very blurry.
    • Concussed Causes the players screen to get blurry when they turn.
      The faster they turn the blurrier it gets.
    • Deafened Makes it harder for the player to hear noises.
    • Disabled Slows down all movement.
    • Exhausted Halves the maximum stamina capacity and stamina regeneration rate.
  • Stamina would be set to 0% upon the effects end.

The Blue Candy applied this effect for 15 seconds. (The AHP applied from Blue Candy is not apart of the effect itself)
The Status Effect was removed after the end of the Halloween 2021 Event.

Sugar High

Sugar High was a mixed effect that would multiply the player's jump power by 1.5 for a short time. The v11.0.3 [Rebalance Patch] changed this to a multiplier of 2. After the effect ended, the player would be given the Disabled Status Effect for [2 × J] seconds. Where J equals the number of jumps performed. The v11.0.3 [Rebalance Patch] changed the time to [1.5 × J] seconds.
The Green Candy applied this effect for 15 seconds.
The Status Effect was removed after the end of the Halloween 2021 Event.

Sugar Rush

Sugar Rush was a mixed effect that would increase the player's speed for a short amount of time. Eight seconds after the effect was applied, the player's would be given the Inverted Controls Status Effect
The Yellow Candy applied this effect for ten seconds, giving a movement speed boost of 25%. The v11.0.3 [Rebalance Patch] changed this to a 50% movement boost for five seconds. (The Stamina changes applied from Yellow Candy is not apart of the effect itself)
The Status Effect was removed after the end of the Halloween 2021 Event.

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