From SCP: Secret Laboratory English Official Wiki

Status Effects are a mechanic in SCP: Secret Laboratory that are used to change the stats of a player.
Status Effects can be applied via Remote Admin or other sources in game.

Currently most status effects can only be applied via Remote Admin.

List of Status Effects

Positive Status Effects are shown in green.
Negative Status Effects are shown in red.
Mixed Status effects are shown in pink.

Name Effects In game Source Removed after/by
Invigorated* Gives the player infinite sprint. Adrenaline 20 seconds
Invisibility Makes the player invisible for a short time. SCP-268 15 seconds
Amnesia Cause the player to not be able to reload their weapon or open their inventory.
Makes it slightly harder to see.
Being bit by SCP-939 SCP-500
3 seconds
Asphyxiated Drains the player's stamina; if there is no stamina left to drain
it will instead drain the player's health.
- -
Bleeding Damage over time; starts high but gets lower.
Damage dealt every 5 seconds. Damage: 20HP - 2HP
- First Aid Kit
Damage reduced by SCP-500
Blinded Makes the player's screen very blurry. - -
Burned Increases the damage the player takes.
Damage is increased by a multiple of 1.25.
Explosion from SCP-018
High-Explosive Grenade
First Aid Kit
10 seconds
Concussed Causes the players screen to get blurry when they turn.
The faster they turn the blurrier it gets.
Explosion from SCP-018
High-Explosive Grenade
10 seconds
Corroding Teleports the player to the Pocket Dimension.
Drains HP.
Attacked by SCP-106 Exiting the
Pocket Dimension
Deafen Makes it harder for the player to hear noises. Flashbang Grenade SCP-500
3-5 seconds
Decontaminating Removes 10% of the players' health every second. Decontamination Process -
Disabled Slows down all movement. - -
Ensnared Stops all movement. - -
Exhausted Halves the maximum stamina capacity and stamina regeneration rate. - -
Flashed Makes the player unable to see at all for a short time. Flashbang Grenade 3-5 seconds
Hemorrhage The player's health drains by 2HP/s while sprinting.
This is not the same effect as SCP-207's health drain.
- -
Panic Slighty increases the player's stamina consumption. - -
Poisoned Damages the player over time; starts low but gets higher.
Damage dealt every 5 seconds. Damage: 2HP - 20HP
- SCP-500
Sinkhole Slows down players; SCPs are immune to this effect. Sinkhole Trap Exiting the trap
SCP-207 Infinite sprint and increased movement speed with health drain.
Can stack up to 4.
SCP-207 SCP-500
Escaping as Class-D or Scientist
SCP-939 Visuals Can only see people making noises.
Can see people through walls.
Playing as SCP-939 -

*SCP-207 does not give the Invigorated effect, as SCP-207 is its own effect. This can be seen by how Invigorated has a screen effect while SCP-207 does not.

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