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Central Autonomic Service System for Internal Emergencies
Type Experimental AI Security System
Role Maintain Site-02's safety
Years of Operation 2008-Present
Voice Actor Narlor
Welk (.g7/reeee)

The Central Autonomic Service System for Internal Emergencies, also known as C.A.S.S.I.E. is an automatic service system that is used for the management and mitigation of emergencies that occur within Site-02. These task can include such things as turning on Tesla Gates, calling in necessary Mobile Task Force squads or starting a Decontamination Process of a zone. C.A.S.S.I.E. will also use its Public Address System to make announcements across the site, either to warn personnel about the status of Decontamination or the recontainment/termination of an SCP Subject.

C.A.S.S.I.E. is a text-to-Speech system that uses a Domain-specific synthesis, meaning that the speech is not generated in real time and is instead created by using pre-recorded words and phrases said by a human. The Text-to-Speech system simply makes announcements using those existing words and arranges them to make the sentence. This is similar to real life PA Systems often used in train stations or weather reports. C.A.S.S.I.E. is voiced by Narlor.


C.A.S.S.I.E. began operation on 13 March 2008. Initially, it primarily functioned as a simple PA system with limited autonomy abilities such as putting out fires or detecting a disease outbreak within the site. In the following six years, C.A.S.S.I.E. was continually upgraded, with new and improved systems expanding C.A.S.S.I.E.'s control over the site.

C.A.S.S.I.E.'s present role is to keep the staff of Site-02 safe from a range of emergencies. Such emergencies include containment breaches, fires, Chaos Insurgency attacks or biological threats. If a threat is detected, Site Management will be alerted and C.A.S.S.I.E. will wait for a response. If no response is provided, C.A.S.S.I.E. will act within its capabilities to mitigate or eliminate the threat.

Because of the nature of C.A.S.S.I.E.'s role, several security measures are implemented. C.A.S.S.I.E.'s core is tightly guarded, requiring Level 5 clearance to access and override it. Sources indicate that C.A.S.S.I.E.'s core was last opened on 19 December 2014 for the installation of new upgrades. This restriction means that C.A.S.S.I.E. can't be controlled remotely - with numerous measures in place to prevent hacking or malicious communications.
For more info about C.A.S.S.I.E., the official public C.A.S.S.I.E. Doc can be viewed by clicking here.


C.A.S.S.I.E.'s system is divided into several cores, each of which are responsible for different tasks.

  • Data Storage Module (CASSIE-DSM)- a three-stage device, responsible for storing and saving all universal and management logs and event summaries, which C.A.S.S.I.E. has retained since first activation. Thanks to this, C.A.S.S.I.E. can learn and make decisions based on events from the past. CASSIE-DSM consists of:
    • HDD submodule - used to store pre-recorded voice announcements and non-essential data, such as system logs or insignificant memories. This submodule allows saving up to 20 terabytes of data.
    • SSD submodule - used to store the most important data and current activities. 2 terabytes of space.
    • Magnetic tape reader - allows C.A.S.S.I.E. and its systems to read older, outdated formats, such as magnetic tape, etc.

  • Memory Bank (CASSIE-RAM)- 128 GB in 64x units of static random-access memory. Typically used for caching.

  • Public Address System (CASSIE-PAS)- a small subsystem responsible for formulating and processing phrases/sentences and announcing them using Facility speakers for use of essential personnel information and facility monitoring.

  • Decision-Making Module (CASSIE-DMM)- the biggest subsystem responsible for analyzing danger and executing judgement procedures. The module has several connected microprocessors, having a cumulative total of 128 cores. Every single core has a computing power of 3.4 GHz.

  • Hardware Diagnostic Module (CASSIE-HDM)- periodically scans for hardware damage. If any is present, it specifies a temporary solution in which a compromise can be made with existing backup systems, and/or to store repair methods for planned repairs in the near-future.

  • Standby-mode Handlers (CASSIE-SMH)- when C.A.S.S.I.E. is not actively dealing with a threat, standby mode is activated and the rest of the modules are turned off to avoid unnecessary use of resources and potential passive overload. CASSIE-SMHs are always waiting to arm in preparation for potential internal emergencies, and are ready to initiate C.A.S.S.I.E.’s main systems when necessary. For safety, two CASSIE-SMH modules have been installed. They are constantly diagnosing each other, to ensure there are no system errors, faults, and that continuity and maintenance is upheld to the highest level for optimal response time.

  • Emergency Power Unit (CASSIE-EPU)- a special unit that provides emergency power (up to 10 hours) when the main power fails.

  • Backup Generator (CASSIE-BGR)- when the CASSIE-EPU runs out, the final backup generator will start. It’s an alternator based on a diesel engine - an independent source of electrical power that keeps C.A.S.S.I.E. in operational mode until the diesel fuel tank is empty. The generator has never been used in any emergency situation, but its technical condition is checked by CASSIE-HDM once a month. The fuel tank is big enough to support C.A.S.S.I.E. for at least 3 days in operational (alarmed) mode, and at least a month in the passive standby mode. This amount of time is sufficient for the technical crew.


C.A.S.S.I.E. has many procedures that it will activate in the response to a threat, such as anti-fire procedures, lockdown procedures and anti-SCP procedures.
There are four different types of procedures that C.A.S.S.I.E. can use.

  • P-E protocols are Thermal procedures which are used to stop the spread of fire or prevent explosions.
  • P-B protocols are Biological hazard removal procedures which include things like Decontamination of a zone and Alpha Warhead activation.
  • P-L protocols are Lockdown procedures which are used to lockdown the facility.
  • P-S protocols are Anti-SCP procedures used to slowdown SCPs and announce their termination or recontainment.

In-game Procedures

Only some of C.A.S.S.I.E.'s procedures are ingame, they are as follows:

  • P-B-3 Zone-wide Decontamination (S): A schedule Decontamination of a zone.
  • P-S-1 SCP Proximity Track: C.A.S.S.I.E. uses the security cameras around the facility to monitor the breached SCPs.
  • P-S-2 SCP Mortality and Status Track: Equivalent of P-S-1, which notifies personnel regarding elimination & recontainment of escaped SCPs.
  • P-S-3 Tesla Gate: Enabling Tesla Gates to terminate and/or obstruct passing SCPs.

In Game

C.A.S.S.I.E. initiating the Decontamination Process.

At the start of the game, C.A.S.S.I.E. will perform a site wide scan, as shown by the monitors found in the Light Containment Checkpoints and LCZ elevators. After about 20 seconds into the round C.A.S.S.I.E. will initiate a P-B-3 security procedure, a schedule Decontamination Process, in Light Containment Zone. C.A.S.S.I.E. will warn everyone in Light Containment Zone about the schedule decontamination. The monitors mentioned earlier will show how much time is remaining until decontamination. After the timer hits zero, C.A.S.S.I.E. will lock down Light Containment Zone and decontaminate it, killing anyone left inside it.

C.A.S.S.I.E. will also make multiple announcements throughout the game, including the recontainment/termination of an SCP, time remaining until LCZ is decontaminated, activation of an Emergency Power Station, Mobile Task Force spawn, and the activation/deactivation of the Alpha Warhead. Randomly, when C.A.S.S.I.E. is making announcements, glitch sound effects will occur and C.A.S.S.I.E. will sometimes stutter on a word.

Using Remote Admin, one can create custom announcements for C.A.S.S.I.E. to say. There are over 700 possible words C.A.S.S.I.E. can say including numbers, ending sounds and the NATO Alphabet. One can also change the pitch of these custom announcements, add glitch sound effects and even make C.A.S.S.I.E. stutter on a word.
If one tries to make C.A.S.S.I.E. say a word that isn't in the database, the word will simply be skipped.

Currently, C.A.S.S.I.E.'s room is not in game, but the C.A.S.S.I.E. doc mentions that its room is located on the Surface Zone.


Throughout the game, C.A.S.S.I.E. will make multiple announcements related to events that have happened. Bells will play before each announcement allowing the player to know when an announcement is about to start. When an announcement ends, bells will play once more. Throughout the announcement, background fuzz can be heard. C.A.S.S.I.E. will also glitch and stutter on a word every once in awhile, suggesting that their PA System was most likely damaged during the breach.
Subtitles will appear on screen while C.A.S.S.I.E. is making an announcement, and will be translated to the current selected language option, allowing non-English users to understand the current announcement. Subtitles will not show any stuttering or glitches C.A.S.S.I.E. makes during an announcement. Any announcement made by the use of Remote Admin will still display subtitles but will show them exactly how they were typed in the Remote Admin no matter what. This includes any capitalization, commands for stuttering and glitches, commands for phrases, and even words that C.A.S.S.I.E. can't say.
While an announcement is playing, an audio damping effect is applied to other audio sources that makes them harder to hear. The following are immune to this dampening effect:

  • Hume Shield depleted stinger
  • SCP-079
    • Breach Scanner (Alarm)
    • Door Lock (Whirling Noise)
  • SCP-096
    • Enraged screams
    • Attack noise (Kills only)
  • SCP-939's damaged screams
  • Evil Candy laugh (Halloween 2023 Event)

For the sake of clarity, the audio files below do not use the glitch or background noises. Any effects added in real time are also not represented.

Mobile Task Force

One of the following will play when the MTF respawn.

"Mobile Task Force Unit, Epsilon-11, designated, [Military Phonetic Alphabet]-[#], has entered the facility. All remaining personnel are advised to proceed with standard evacuation protocols until an MTF squad reaches your destination. Awaiting re-containment of: [#] SCP subject(s)."

"Mobile Task Force Unit, Epsilon-11, designated, "[Military Phonetic Alphabet]-[#], has entered the facility. All remaining personnel are advised to proceed with standard evacuation protocols, until an MTF squad reaches your destination. Substantial threat to safety remains within the facility -- exercise caution."

"Mobile Task Force Unit, Epsilon-11, designated, Ghostbusters [Military Phonetic Alphabet]-[#], has entered the facility. All remaining personnel are advised to proceed with standard evacuation protocols until an MTF squad reaches your destination. Awaiting re-containment of: [#] specter(s)."

"Tactical Holiday Unit, Epsilon-11, designated, "[Military Phonetic Alphabet-[#], has entered the workshop. All remaining elves are advised to seek shelter in the nearest gingerbread house, until a unit has festivized the facility. Awaiting recontainment of [#] spoil-sport holiday haters. "

SCP Related Announcements

When an SCP dies, C.A.S.S.I.E. will announce the SCP's death as well as how the SCP died.
If multiple SCPs die from Alpha Warhead or Decontamination Process at the same time, C.A.S.S.I.E. will list all of them in one announcement.

C.A.S.S.I.E. will not announce the termination of SCP-049-2 instances.

"[SCP-Designation] contained successfully. Containment unit [Military Phonetic Alphabet]-[#]."

"[SCP-Designation] successfully terminated by Automatic Security System."

"[SCP-Designation] lost in Decontamination Sequence."

"[SCP-Designation] successfully terminated by Alpha Warhead."

"[SCP-Designation] contained successfully by Science Personnel."

"[SCP-Designation] contained successfully by Class D Personnel."

"[SCP-Designation] contained successfully by Chaos Insurgency."

"[SCP-Designation] successfully terminated. Termination cause unspecified."

The following two announcements have subtitles but will never play under normal conditions.

"[SCP-Designation] terminated by [SCP-Designation]."

"[SCP-Designation] contained successfully. Containment unit unknown."

Emergency Power Stations

When an Emergency Power Station is turned on C.A.S.S.I.E. will play the following announcements

"3 out of 3 generators activated. All generators have been successfully engaged."

Alpha Warhead

C.A.S.S.I.E. will announce the activation, reactivation and deactivation of the Alpha Warhead, plus the time until detonation. When there is about 45 seconds left until the Alpha Warhead blows up, Ajoura starts playing, this is an actual apart of the audio files that play the nuke announcements.

(Unlike the other announcements, the background noises and sirens are apart of the actual announcement and not separate)


One of the following lines will play when the nuke is turned on for the first time in a round.









One of the following lines will play when the nuke is reactivated after being cancelled.


Throughout the round C.A.S.S.I.E. will announce the status of Light Containment Zone Decontamination Process.
All these announcements can only be heard by people in LCZ with the exception of the Light Containment Zone is locked down line, which is played throughout the whole facility.

"Attention, all personnel. The Light Containment Zone decontamination process will occur in T-15 minutes. All biological substances must be removed in order to avoid destruction."

"Danger, Light Containment Zone overall decontamination in T-10 Minutes."

"Danger, Light Containment Zone overall decontamination in T-5 Minutes."

"Danger, Light Containment Zone overall decontamination in T-1 Minute."

"Danger, Light Containment Zone overall decontamination in T-30 seconds. All checkpoint doors have been permanently opened. Please evacuate immediately. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10 seconds. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1."

"Light Containment Zone is locked down and ready for decontamination. The removal of organic substances has now begun."


Using the Remote Admin command cassie, one can generate custom announcements from a word list of over 700 different words. Attempting to make C.A.S.S.I.E. say a word not in its databank will cause it to just skip it, as no audio file for it exists. SCP-999 is no longer dead lorewise, but the announcement is still an example of a custom one.

"SCP-999 successfully terminated."

"Unauthorized user detected at HCZ-096 terminal."


Any C.A.S.S.I.E announcement that was removed or changed can be found here:

"Mobile Task Force Unit, Epsilon-11, designated, Nine Tailed Fox, devision "[Military Phonetic Alphabet]-[NATO #], has entered the facility. All remaining personnel are advised to proceed with standard evacuation protocols, until an MTF squad reaches your destination. All SCP subjects have been secured, substantial threat to safety remains within the facility -- exercise caution."

"Mobile Task Force Unit, Epsilon-11, designated, "[Military Phonetic Alphabet]-[NATO #], has entered the facility. All remaining personnel are advised to proceed with standard evacuation protocols, until an MTF squad reaches your destination. Awaiting recontainment of (1 or 2) SCP subject(s). Proceed with protocol and exercise caution."

"Mobile Task Force Unit, Epsilon-11, designated, "[Military Phonetic Alphabet]-[NATO #], has entered the facility. All remaining personnel are advised to proceed with standard evacuation protocols, until an MTF squad reaches your destination. Awaiting recontainment of, an uncalculated number of SCPs. Emergency action is advised."

"SCP-XXX(NATO #s) contained successfully, containment unit [Military Phonetic Alphabet]-[Nato #]."

"SCP-XXX(NATO #s) contained successfully, containment unit unknown. "

"SCP-079 successfully terminated by generator recontainment sequence."

"[Last SCP's Death Announcement] All SCP subjects have been secured, SCP-079 recontainment sequence commencing, Heavy Containment Zone overcharge in T-minus one minute"

"5 out of 5 generators activated. All generators have been successfully engaged. Finalizing recontainment sequence. Heavy Containment Zone overcharge in T-minus one minute."

"Spooky, scary skeletons, send shivers down your spine, shrieking skulls will shock your soul and seal your doom tonight. Spooky, scary skeletons, speak with such a screech, you'll shake and shudder in surprise, when you hear these zombies shriek."

"Alpphhaaa Waaarheaad Deeetonaaaatiooon Eeeeemergency Sequence engaggggeeeed. THE UNDERGROUND SECTION OF THE FACILITY WILL BE DETONATED IN T-90 SECONDS.""


  • The font used for C.A.S.S.I.E.'s logo is called Federation Starfleet Hull 23rd. A font that is based off Star Trek.
  • Older possible names for C.A.S.S.I.E. included:
    • Emergency Public Address System - EPAS.
    • Critical Response and Assist Service Station - CRASS.
    • Automatic Manager of Emergency Systems - AMES.
  • C.A.S.S.I.E. originally stood for Critical Action Service Station for Internal Emergencies.
  • C.A.S.S.I.E. is based off Aperture Employee Guardian and Intrusion System also known as AEGIS, from the Portal fan game, Portal Stories: Mel.
    • C.A.S.S.I.E. voice is based off the Black Mesa Announcement System from the Half Life series.
  • The Decontamination and Alpha Warhead lines are the oldest C.A.S.S.I.E. announcements ingame, existing before C.A.S.S.I.E. was fully finalized ingame.
    • The Decontamination and warhead lines were added in v5.0.0 while the SCP recontainment announcements and MTF announcements were added in v7.3.0.
  • Before v3.0.0, the Alpha Warhead announcement used the same one from SCP: Containment Breach, but in v3.0.0 it was replaced with a female announcer.
    • In even older versions of the game, there were Polish MTF and Alpha Warhead Announcement.
  • Before the Parabellum Update (v11.0.0), the Overcharge Process of Heavy Containment Zone was referred to as terminating SCP-079, with the reasoning being it fried his circuits. When the recontainment system was overhauled in v11.0.0, the announcement now refers to it as a recontaining SCP-079. With the reasoning being the process disconnects him from Site-02.
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