From SCP: Secret Laboratory English Official Wiki

The Surface Zone is one of four zones in Site-02. It is the only zone that won't be destroyed by the Alpha Warhead detonation and will remain accessible throughout the game.

The Surface Zone is very large and open, with multiple levels and lines of sight.

NTF and Chaos spawn in this zone.


Gate A Area

This area contains the Gate A elevator, CI's spawn and the Warhead Activation Room. This area is surrounded by a raised catwalk, which can be used to ambush spawning CI or players coming from the Gate B area.

Walkway overlooking CI's spawn

Gate A Elevator

Elevator which leads to the Entrance Zone Gate A, located inside the building above CI's spawn.

When exiting the elevator

Warhead Activation Room

Nuke Access Required

A small room containing the Warhead Activation Console and a Workstation. It is the only place where the warhead can be detonated and can only be accessed with either a Containment Engineer, Facility Manager or O5 Keycard. To activate the warhead the Warhead Control Panel has to be active, otherwise the console will read "Disabled" until the panel is switched on (which it will then read "Ready".

Entrance to the activation room

Inside the activation room

Gate B Elevator

Elevator which leads to the Entrance Zone Gate B, closest to the NTF spawn. Located inside the tunnel between CI's and NTF's spawn.

Since there is almost no cover inside the tunnel it is very difficult to pass by unnoticed when walking to or from the elevator.

Tunnel seen from CI's side

NTF Spawn

Spawn location of NTF operatives, located on the other side of the surface tunnel.

NTF's spawn area

The tunnel seen from NTF's spawn

Escape Room

A room near the NTF spawn used to escape the facility. Two doors lead to a walkway which ends with the escape room. In the escape room certain classes can escape and respawn as a higher rank of that faction.

A player can escape if they are either a Class-D or Scientist. Upon escaping, Class-Ds spawn as Chaos Insurgency and Scientists as MTF Scientists.
If a certain config option is turned on for the server, one can use a Disarmer to disarm Class-Ds and Scientist to change the team they become.
A Class-D that escapes while disarmed will become a Nine Tailed Fox Cadet, while a disarmed Scientist escaping will become Chaos.

Entering as any other class will have no effect.

Entrance to the escape area

Entrance to the escape room
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