From SCP: Secret Laboratory English Official Wiki

Basic Info
Type Light Machine Gun
Cartridge Type 5.56x45mm
Ammo Capacity 100 (+1)
Spawn Locations MTF-E11-SR Rack
Spawns on MTF Captain
Basic Stats
Damage 24.4
Fire Rate 720 12 bullets per second
Weight 9.2 kg
Length 102 cm
Handling Stats
Draw Time Default draw time 0.8s
Draw + Chamber Time Draw time for unchambered firearm 1.45s
Tactical Reload Reload time when the magazine is NOT empty 4.41s
Combat Reload Reload time when the magazine is empty 5.16s
Pick-Up Time Higher weight increases time 1.86s Unrounded value: 1.855s
Sprint Penalty -6%
Stamina Penalty -10%
Accuracy Stats
Bullet Accuracy The overall accuracy of the gun.
This value is added to Hip Fire and Aiming Accuracy.
Hip Fire Accuracy This value is added to Bullet Accuracy with rounding. 3.5 4° (with Bullet Accuracy)°
Aiming Accuracy This value is added to Bullet Accuracy without rounding.
Values past the 100th place are not shown ingame.
0.08 0.13° (with Bullet Accuracy)°
Running Accuracy 10.9°
Miscellaneous Info
Obtainable from 914? True
Deletion % in PD Pocket Dimension High Tier (0%)
Disarm Immunity? Does having this item equipped make the player
immune to being disarmed?
Attachment Combos  400
Manufacturer Foundation Gunworks  
Lunae Defence (Various Attachments)
Inspired by H&K MG36
Pulsar Digitsight n960 (Night-Vision Scope)
Debug Name GunFRMG0
Item ID 52

The Facility Recovery - Machine Gun - 0, or simply the FR-MG-0, is a type of Firearm in SCP: Secret Laboratory. It is a powerful light machine gun that spawns on the
Nine-Tailed Fox Captain.

Operational Guide

A 5.56 light machine gun used by Nine-Tailed Fox, contracted in response to a request for increased suppressive fire capability in a squad. It’s capable of laying down an impressive amount of sustained fire relative to its weight.

Its usage by Nine-Tailed Fox is experimental, and does not guarantee more widespread adoption. Formal approval is pending field reports.

“It’s a new production for the task forces. Executive order, straight from the top. The exact reasonings for the request are classified, the specifics are only known by the higher-ups. All that we know is that it’s something about wanting to increase the amount of firepower that each squad is capable of. I’ve heard rumors that it’s because of a mission gone wrong, some disaster that the brass felt could’ve been solved by more firepower. Others say that we’re equipping the squads with more firepower in preparation to move further with the EPC. A handful say that it’s just an order for new guns and we need to stop overthinking it. Whatever. I’m not paid to think of stuff like this, I’m paid to build guns. So, if that’s all the questions you have for me, I have machine guns to assemble.”
-Darrel Hawthorne, Production Supervisor, Foundation Gunworks

In Game

The FR-MG-0 is a powerful, wieldy light machine gun capable of putting out a devastating amount of damage quickly. The firearm has a low hip fire accuracy but a high ADS fire accuracy, making the weapon extremely effective while aim-firing. The weapon's high fire rate, damage, and easy-to-control recoil make it capable of quickly depleting the HP of a target, while the high ammo capacity allows for longer periods of firing before needing to reload. In exchange for this, the weapon's heavy weight makes it slow the player down when equipped, while its long length makes it less accurate while moving.

The FR-MG-0 has 2 possible spawn locations:

The FR-MG-0 is a closed bolt firearm, allowing it to hold one extra bullet than its max mag size by storing it in the chamber. This also means if the player unloads the FR-MG-0 but cancels the animation before the bullet in the chamber is removed, the FR-MG-0 will have one bullet in it despite having no magazine, which can be fired.

Due to being a closed bolt firearm, the FR-MG-0 bolt will be locked into an open position once it runs out of ammo, which causes the reload animation to be slightly longer. The bolt will only lock to an open position if the FR-MG-0 currently has a magazine in it. If the magazine was removed from the FR-MG-0, but the bullet in the chamber was not, firing this bullet will not cause the bolt to lock to an open position. However, reloading in this state will still cause the reload animation to be longer than normal as the player now has to rechamber the FR-MG-0.

Holding down the E key on a player with the firearm equipped will disarm the player.


Sight Attachements
Attachment Stats
Iron Sights
ADS Zoom 1.3x
Default Attachment
Dot Sight
ADS Zoom 1x
Weight +3%
Holographic Sight
ADS Zoom 1x
Weight +6%
Night Vision Scope
ADS Zoom 1.05x
Night Vision
Equip Time +0.09s
Aiming Speed -25%
Weight +22%
Telescopic Sight
ADS Zoom 3x
Aiming Accuracy +33%
Equip Time +0.04s
Aiming Speed -15%
Weight +12%
Barrel Attachments
Attachment Stats
Standard Barrel
Default Attachment
Muzzle Brake
Recoil -10%
Equip Time +0.04s
Gunshot Loudness +20%
Length +8%
Weight +2%
Flash Hider
Flash Suppression
Equip Time +0.04s
Length +6%
Weight +1%
Short Barrel
Hip-firing accuracy +25%
Length -10%
Weight -2%
Damage -6%
Penetration -10%
Bullet Accuracy +11%
Gunshot Loudness -65%
Flash Suppression
Equip Time +0.09s
Length +16%
Weight +6%
Stock Attachments
Attachment Stats
Standard Stock
Default Attachment
Heavy Stock
Recoil when aiming -16%
Aiming Accuracy +82%
Hip-firing Accuracy -9%
Length +1%
Weight +5%
Bottom Rail Attachments
Attachment Stats
Default Attachment
Recoil -15%
Aiming Speed -15%
Weight +3%
Laser Sight
Hip-firing Accuracy +67%
Laser visible to others
Weight +5%
Light Source
Equip Time +0.09s
Weight +6%
Magazine Attachments
Attachment Changes
FMJ Drum
Default Attachment
AP Drum
Penetration +17%
Reload Time -0.5s
Weight -28%
Recoil +15%
Magazine Capacity -40



No Armor Light Armor Combat Armor Heavy Armor
Standard Short Standard Short Standard Short Standard Short
Penetration 60% 54% 60% 54% 60% 54% 60% 54%
Body (100%) 24.4 22.9 20.5 18.69 18.54 16.58 16.59 14.47
Limb (70%) 17.08 16.03 17.08 16.03 17.08 16.03 17.08 16.03
Head (200%) 48.8 45.8 48.8 45.8 33.18 28.95 33.18 28.95
AHP (30%) 7.32 6.87 6.15 5.61 5.56 4.97 4.98 4.34
Burned (125%) 30.5 28.63 25.62 23.36 23.18 20.72 20.74 18.09
Purple Candy (80%) 19.52 18.32 16.4 14.952 14.832 13.264 13.272 11.576
Rainbow Candy (95%) 23.18 21.755 19.475 17.7555 17.613 15.751 15.7605 13.7465

AP Mag

No Armor Light Armor Combat Armor Heavy Armor
Standard Short Standard Short Standard Short Standard Short
Penetration 70.2% 64.2% 70.2% 64.2% 70.2% 64.2% 70.2% 64.2%
Body (100%) 24.4 22.9 21.49 19.62 20.04 17.98 18.58 16.34
Limb (70%) 17.08 16.03 17.08 16.03 17.08 16.03 17.08 16.03
Head (200%) 48.8 45.8 48.8 45.8 37.17 32.68 37.17 32.68
AHP (30%) 7.32 6.87 6.45 5.89 6.01 5.39 5.57 4.9
Burned (125%) 30.5 28.63 26.86 24.53 25.05 22.48 23.23 20.43
Purple Candy (80%) 19.52 18.32 17.192 15.696 16.032 14.384 14.864 13.072
Rainbow Candy (95%) 23.18 21.755 20.4155 18.639 19.038 17.081 17.651 15.523
One hit to kill.
Two hits to kill.
Three hits to kill.
Four hits to kill.
Five hits to kill.


  • These values are auto calculated by Mediawiki, there may be some rounding differences between it and Unity, so some values may be off by a tiny bit.
  • Armor does not reduce limb damage.
  • Rainbow Candy does not reduce head or limb damage.
  • Rainbow Candy's Bodyshot Reduction is permanent and stacks up to 4. (Lowering damage to 85%). The value in the chart represents 1 Rainbow Candy.
  • Purple Candy does not stack with itself
  • Shotgun does not deal headshot or limb damage.
  • SCPs do not take limb or headshot damage besides SCP-049-2
  • SCP-173 bullet resistance is the same as Heavy Armor. Hume Shield does not have any resistance
  • Combat Armor and Heavy Armor have the same protection level against headshots. While Light Armor has no protection against headshots
  • The rows listed as AHP represents how much damage HP takes while under the effects of AHP. It does not represent how much AHP is lost.

Related Achievements

5 achievement(s) related to FR-MG-0:

Army of One
In a single life, get 4 kills using 4 different weapons.

Be Polite. Be Efficient
With a firearm, kill five enemies in under 30 seconds. The timer starts after the first kill.

Change in Command
Disarm an MTF operative.

Using an LMG, get 3 kills without letting go of the trigger.

... You Thinking What I'm Thinking?
Pick up any firearm as a Class-D Personnel.



  • During early testing, the FR-MG-0 had a much higher firepower. This was lowered before release, as the weapon was capable of taking down a single SCP, such as an enraged SCP-096.
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