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SCP Item Infobox
Basic Information
Description Superball able to bounce with extreme efficiency.
Type SCP Item (Throwable)
Usage Bounces around, gaining momentum and
damage with each bounce. Single use.
Spawn Bulletproof Locker №7
Number of Spawns 1
Weight Affects item pick-up time, window breaking and throw distance kg
Pick-Up Time
Obtainable from 914? True
Deletion % in PD Pocket Dimension
Disarm Immunity? Does having this item equipped make the player immune to being disarmed?
Applied Effects Burned Effect Increases the damage the player takes
Concussed Effect Causes the players screen to get blurry when they turn.
The faster they turn the blurrier it gets
Other Information
Manufactor Blam-O MFG. Co
Article Link Item Infobox SCP Article
Item ID 31

SCP Item Infobox
Basic Information
Description An ancient vase, freezing to the touch.
Creates a large cloud of icy fog when placed.
Type SCP Item (Hazard)
Usage Environmental Hazard
Spawn Bulletproof Locker №7
Heavy Containment Zone
Number of Spawns 1
Weight Affects item pick-up time, window breaking and throw distance kg
Pick-Up Time
Obtainable from 914? False
Deletion % in PD Pocket Dimension
Disarm Immunity? Does having this item equipped make the player immune to being disarmed?
Applied Effects Hypothermia Player's vision is reduced and inaccuracy is increase.
Drains SCP's Hume Shield.
Humans take damage over time.
Other Information
Article Link Item Infobox SCP Article
Item ID 44 = SCP-244-A
45 = SCP-244-B

An infobox for Items.


{{Item infobox
|name = Example item
|image = SCP Foundation (emblem).svg
|image_size = 200
|caption = Some example image
|type = Equipment
|usage = Disarms
|spawn = [[MTF]]
|nocat = yes


{{Item infobox
|name = Name override
|image = Image (preferably png)
|caption = Caption that goes under the infobox image
|image_size = Image size override
|type = Item type (Equipment/Misc)|(Tool/Consumable)|SCP Item
|usage = What is it used for
|spawn = Spawn locations (both zones and classes)
|nocat = Doesn't include category

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