From SCP: Secret Laboratory English Official Wiki

Main article: Light Containment Zone

The Light Containment Zone Decontamination Process is an emergency protocol, which activates in the event of a containment breach. This event occurs after 15 minutes and 30 seconds have passed in the round. Once active the process slowly kills any players still in the LCZ, regardless of their health, including SCPs.

All locked doors, checkpoints and gates will be locked open 30 seconds before the process begins, allowing trapped SCPs, and cardless Class-Ds to escape.

Once the process begins green gas will start pouring out of vents and will slowly kill anything inside the LCZ. Any elevators that are down at Elevator System A and B will be called up and become inoperable to prevent players from returning the LCZ.


Over the course of the match CASSIE will announce the stance of the Decontamination Process to everyone in Light Containment Zone. The 1 minute warning message is played throughout the whole facility.

At 15 Minutes

"Attention, all personnel, the Light Containment Zone decontamination process will occur in t-minus 15 minutes. All biological substances must be removed in order to avoid destruction."
15 Minutes

At 10, 5, and 1 minute(s)

"Danger, Light Containment Zone overall decontamination in t-minus [TIME]."
10 Minutes
5 Minutes
1 Minutes

At 30 Seconds

"Danger, Light Containment Zone overall decontamination in t-minus 30 seconds. All checkpoint doors have been permanently opened. Please evacuate immediately. [COUNTS DOWN FROM 20 SECONDS]."
30 Seconds

When decontamination begins

"Light Containment Zone is locked down and ready for decontamination. The removal of organic substances has now begun."

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