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Health 2200
Article Link Page
Class Color EC2222


"SCP-939 are endothermic, pack-based predators which display atrophy of various systems similar to troglobitic organisms. The skins of SCP-939 are highly permeable to moisture and translucent red, owing to a compound chemically similar to hemoglobin. Their heads are elongated, devoid of even vestigial eyes or eye sockets, and contain no brain casing. The jaws of SCP-939 are lined with red, faintly luminescent fang-like teeth, similar to those belonging to specimens of the genus Chauliodus, up to 6 cm in length, and encircled by heat-sensitive pit organs. Eye spots, sensitive to light and dark, run the length of their spined dorsal ridges."

"SCP-939's primary method of luring prey is the imitation of human speech in the voices of prior victims, though imitation of other species and active nocturnal hunts have been documented. SCP-939 vocalizations often imply significant distress; whether SCP-939 understand their vocalizations or are repeating previously heard phrases is the subject of ongoing study. How SCP-939 acquire voices is not currently understood;"

-Extract from the SCP Wiki.

In Game

Starting the round, SCP-939 will spawn in its containment cell, which has a ramp leading to the HCZ. Upon getting out, SCP-939 will be allowed to play, which it does by running around the facility, ending those who intend to either kill it or attempt to lure unsuspecting humans into either trusting it, or misleading and killing them. In game controls are simple, one will use the WASD (if set) to move, SCP-939 however can run by holding the Shift key, a feature not seen amongst other SCPs.

SCP-939 bite attack is extremely strong but will not kill in one hit, allowing most humans a second chance to escape and heal if they are lucky. When playing as 939 note that the attack is delayed, and that you will accelerate and do more damage the less health you have

Pressing the V key allows a player using SCP-939 to speak with human factions, although this also doubles as the SCP chat which is still accessed through Q, do not confuse these. SCP-939 can also see moving or talking individuals, giving them a ghostly white outline.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Can run
  • Can talk to non-SCPs
  • Moves faster under fire
  • Can regenerate health if standing still for long enough
  • Can see sound even through walls


  • Can be outrun relatively easily
  • Can be snuck past
  • Incredibly large target
  • Delayed attack


  • SCP-939 has multiple iterations, both in game and in lore on the wiki.
  • Many refer to SCP-939 unironically as "Dog" or "Bacon Boy".
  • SCP-939 can run, a trait shared only by SCP-049-2
  • SCP-939 is the only SCP to have two voice chats, one to SCPs, one to humans.
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