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(Rejected the last text change (by and restored revision 4077 by Jamintheinfinite)
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===NOCLIP / NC / N===
===NOCLIP / NC / N===
Super stupid must be removed lol.
Allows the player who wrote the command noclip abillities.


Revision as of 05:20, 8 September 2020

The Remote Admin panel is a menu that helps moderators and administrators of servers in doing their job. A player must be authorised by the owner to use any of the Remote Admin features.

This Page is currently unfinished


Welcome Page

The welcome page is the first page a player will see when opening the Remote Admin. Its simple purpose is to explain to the player how the menu is used and navigated.

Remote Admin Welcome

Player Info

The Player Info tab has 3 buttons (as of version 2.0.2), these being; Request, Request IP and Request Auth.


  • Select a player from the left column labeled "Players".
  • Press one of the 3 request buttons listed below.


The request button allows the user to view the following:

  • Name
  • Player ID
  • SteamID64
  • Server role
  • Any hidden roles (if authorised)
  • Active flags
  • Class (if authorised)
  • HP

Request IP

Similar to "request", but includes IP address used by the player to connect to the server. This can be used to find people using alternative accounts to bypass bans.

Request Auth

Shows the players authentication token along with a QR code.

Remote Admin Player Info

Admin commands and tools

Admin tools allow moderators and administrators of servers to easily perform tasks without typing out commands.


Bans a user that is offline Command line: <OBAN> <Players IP>


Unbans a currently banned user. Command line: <UNBAN> <IP>


A simple page to allow players to ban or kick people for up to 50 years.


  • Select a player from the left column labeled "Players".
  • Select the desired amount of time to remove them from the game for.
  • Click "Request".

Types of Admin Tool


  • When a player is set as "overwatch" they cannot respawn via command or respawn wave. This is usefull when watching over someone expected of breaking rules.

God Mode

  • When a player is put into "god mode" they cannot die.

Bypass Mode

  • A player that has "bypass" can open or use any item without the need of a keycard. This also allows infinite use of the intercom system.


  • Allows moderators and administrators to teleport other players to where they are needed. There are two types of teleport listed below.
    • Bring - brings the player selected to the person using the command.
    • Go to - Takes the person using the command to the player selected.


  • The "misc" category has 2 commands that don't fit into any of the other areas. These commands are listed below.
    • Heal - heals the player selected to default health.
    • Lockdown - locks all doors on the map.


  • Select a player from the left column labeled "Players".
  • Select one of the admin tools listed.
Remote Admin Admin Tools
Remote Admin Kick/Ban

Text-Based Remote Admin

A text-based version of the Remote Admin can be accessed by click the button at the bottom of the screen.


  • Checks if Remote Admin is responding. When everything is working, RA should return a “Hello World!” string.


  • Refers to this command list.


  • Downloads data specified in the second parameter. List of available parameters:
  • REQUEST_DATA PLAYER_LIST (returns a list of connected players with their IDs),
  • REQUEST_DATA PLAYER PlayerID (prints all informations about player with the specified PlayerID).
  • REQUEST_DATA AUTH PlayerID (prints authentication token of the user, should be kept secret)


Bans player(s) for a specified time

  • Command syntax: BAN PlayerID1.PlayerID2.PlayerID3 (...) TimeInMinutes
  • Example of use: BAN 2.6 60 (bans players with id 2 and 6 for 1 hour)


  • Changes player(s) class.
  • Command syntax: FORCECLASSS PlayerID1.PlayerID2.PlayerID3 (...) ClassID
  • Example of use: FORCECLASS 5.7 1 (changes the class of players with id 5 and 7 to Class of id 1 [Class D])


  • Gives player(s) a specified item.
  • Command syntax: GIVE PlayerID1.PlayerID2.PlayerID3 (...) ItemID
  • Example of use: GIVE 2.6 11 (gives players with id 2 and 6 O5 Keycard[id:11])


  • Closes the Remote Admin and removes the user's [BADGE].


* This command can be used by people without Remote Admin Access

  • Hides your badge (local or global), but you can still access the Remote Admin.


* This command can be used by people without Remote Admin Access

  • Shows your local badge.


* This command can be used by people without Remote Admin Access

  • Shows your global badge.


* This command can be used by people without Remote Admin Access

  • Alias: OVR
  • In game console: OVERWATCH - enables or disables overwatch mode for the player
  • In server console: OVERWATCH PlayerID - enables or disables overwatch mode for selected players
  • In both cases, the paramters 0/1, disable/enable, off/on can be appended to the the end of the command to specify the requested status instead of toggling it.


  • Enables/disables bypass mode for player(s)
  • Command syntax: BYPASS PlayerID1.PlayerID2.PlayerID3 (...)
  • Example of use: BYPASS 5.7
  • The parameters 0/1, disable/enable, off/on can be appended to the end of the command to specify the requested status instead of toggling it.


  • Enables/disables god mode for player(s)
  • Command syntax: GOD PlayerID1.PlayerID2.PlayerID3 (...)
  • Example of use: GOD 5.7
  • The parameters 0/1, disable/enable, off/on can be appended to the end of the command to specify the requested status instead of toggling it.


  • Aliases: o / c / l / ul / d
  • Changes door status.
  • Command syntax: Command DoorName
  • Example of use: OPEN LCZ_ARMORY


  • Sets player’s group temporarily (until disconnection from server).
  • Command syntax: SETGROUP PlayerID RoleName
  • Example of use: SETGROUP 1.2 admin


  • Heal player(s)
  • Command syntax: HEAL PlayerID1.PlayerID2.PlayerID3 (...)
  • Example of use: HEAL 5.7


  • Set player(s) HP
  • Command syntax: HP PlayerID1.PlayerID2.PlayerID3 (...) HpAmount
  • Example of use: HP 5.7 150


  • Permissions manager main command


  • Starts a specific server event. List of them here:
  • SERVER_EVENT DETONATION_START (starts the detonation, even if warhead is disabled)
  • SERVER_EVENT DETONATION_CANCEL (cancels the detonation)
  • SERVER_EVENT DETONATION_INSTANT (detonates the warhead immediately, DO NOT ABUSE!)
  • SERVER_EVENT TERMINATE_UNCONN (kicks all unconnected (connecting) players)
  • SERVER_EVENT ROUND_RESTART (restarts the round)


The forceclass page allows a user to change the Classes of someone mid game. When a players class is set, they will be sent to the spawn of the class they became.


  • Select a player from the left column labeled "Players".
  • Select one of the Classes labels.
  • Click "Set Class"
Remote Admin Forceclass (Game Version 8.0.1)

Give Item

The Give Item page allows user to give themselves or another player any item or weapon.


  • Select a player from the left column labeled "Players".
  • Select an item or weapon.
  • Click "Request".
Remote Admin Give Item (Game Version 8.0.1)

Doors Management

Allows the ability to control most doors in the facility remotely and teleport players to them.

Usage: General

  • Select a door from the grid.
  • Click one of the 5 basic options.

Usage: Teleporting

  • Select a player from the left column labeled "Players".
  • Select a door from the grid.
  • Click "teleport".
Remote Admin Doors Managment (Game Version 8.0.1)

Players Management

As of version 8.0.1 the Player Management category only consists of muting and unmuting players in general or over the intercom (icom-mute).

Usage: Muting

  • Select a player from the left column labeled "Players".
  • Select either "mute" or "icom-mute".

Usage: Unmuting

  • Select a player from the left column labeled "Players".
  • Select either "unmute" or "icom-unmute".
Remote Admin Players Management

Server Events

Alows players to force certain game events.

Event Types

Respawn MTF - Triggers the respawn event for the NTF causing them to instantly spawn. Note: they will spawn before the helicopter arrives.

Respawn CI - Triggers the respawn event for the chaos insurgency causing them to instantly spawn. Note: they will spawn before the transport vehicle.

Restart Round - Forces the current round to end and create a new round. Note: will not show a game end screen, just instantly restart.

Start Round - Forces the current round to start instantly if in the "waiting for players" section.

Kick Unconn. - Kicks any players that are connecting, or, stuck in loading errors.

Warhead-Start - Forces the alpha warhead to start. Note: this does not required the warhead be on.

Warhead-Stop - Forces the alpha warhead to stop just like pressing the cancel button.

Detonate - Starts the alpha warhead from 10 seconds, meaning it cannot be stopped.

Icom-Timeout - Forces the intercom system to stop if a player is using it.

Icom-Reset - Instantly resets the cooldown on the intercom system after it has been used.


  • Click one of the server events, no player selection needed.
Remote Admin Server Events

Server Configs

Allows certain server config settings to be changed from in-game.

Usage: Friendly Fire/Spawn Protect

  • Select either enable or disable, no player selection required.

Usage: Custom Config Settings

  • Select a setting from the drop-down list.
  • Enter a value in the text box to the right.
  • Click "confirm"
Remote Admin Server Configs

C.A.S.S.I.E & Broadcasts


Makes C.A.S.S.I.E say something.

Command line: <CASSIE> <Text>

Please note that the C.A.S.S.I.E Command can only use a limited vocabulary, it is also programmed to accept certain phrases which sound more succinct.


Causes the current CASSIE line to end, any of the above commands perform the same action.


Makes a server wide announcement at the top of every persons UI Command line <BROADCAST / BC / ALERT> <Display time in secconds> <Custom message> Example: BC 10 hello there person.


Broadcast using monospaced font. Command line: <BROADCASTMONO / BCMONO / ALERTMONO>


Clears the currently broadcasted message. Command line: <BCCLEAR>

Miscellanious commands

Sudo / Rcon

>sudo forcestart< runs <forcestart> in server console >sudo config reload< runs <config reload> in server console


Prevents the server from automaticcaly running the next round.



Lists server groups


Allows the player who wrote the command noclip abillities.




Alpha Warhead commands

All commands relating to the Alpha Warhead. All of these commands begin with "warhead".

<warhead> <status> Gives detailed information on the status of the Alpha Warhead, such as Time remaining, whether or not the Alpha Warhead is active or enabled.

<warhead> <detonate / cancel> Activates/de-activates the Alpha Warhead.

<warhead> <disable / enable> enables or disables the Alpha Warhead.

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